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[[underlined]] Venice [[/underlined]] [[margin]] [[underlined]] Water birds [[/underlined]] [[/margin]] mans suit was in stripes! Good training for stripes he was giving the little boy by his side. This morning one poor godwit with dangling broken bill & another with broken leg lying in the sand of the shore may attest to his prowess - his noble prowess! When the birds had been frightened in this way all along the beach as the pair went & cause, a brown water spaniel excited by the dashing surf discovered that he could make the birds fly so he ran dashing down the beach barking & jumping, his ears flapping, & gulls flew up into the air & godwits rose in confusion in flocks. Then he lay in the sand & rolled & jumped up barking & tore down the beach again! Small wonder that the birds seem wild this mg! [[margin]] [[underlined]] Play [[/underlined]] [[/margin]] The other day I saw some boys driving a handsome spirited horse & drawing ^ [[insertion]] by [[/insertion]] a rope a ^ [[insertion]] boy's [[/insertion]] cart rigged up with a big sail! They were speeding round town with it! [[Much?]] watching surf scoters to-day I saw two boys with a cart & a burro stopping for lunch. The burro was eating his - a wisp of hay on the ground before him, while the boys ate theirs in the cart! A boy that I found on a raft in one of the canals then told me about the food of cormorants Told me [[superscript]] + [[/superscript]] Another day 3 boys with sails - old patched cloth - with little wagons - help with [[fast?]] on ground or [[?]] on school. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Venice [[/underlined]] that the crabs come themselves up with canal mud & then when the fish come near "they [[underlined]] nab [[/underlined]] them!" [[margin]] [[underlined]] Catamaran [[/underlined]] [/margin]] 4 men were drowned here in 3 months so now they have a Life Saving Station & a catamaran [[image - catamaran pontoons ]] two air filled tubes that ride the waves & are manned by rowers - one of the crew wears a red suit - a grateful mark in time of danger. [[margin]] [[underlined]] Porpoises [[/underlined]] [[/margin]] Oct. 15 - Some porpoises passed the pier rolling [[image]] along, two often side by side - see fins as they come up out of the water. [[margin]] [[underlined]] Gulls [[/underlined]] [[/margin]] Just about sunset I saw a flock of gulls flying around the pier & the sky above & went out to see. They were [[underlined]] heermanni [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] occidentalis [[/underlined]]. A row of [[underlined]] h's [[/underlined]] sat on the pier rail & " on the ports ad. As the sun came thru low under the clouds it lit up the Santa Monica cliffs & a ship lying out by the Port Los Angeles (longest pier in the wld it is said to be - 1 1/2 miles long) It also lit up the rigging of the Venice wharf & touched 3 cormorants perched on the opposite sides of a row boat. A faint rainbow arched up in the southeast. Soon after the gulls disappeared for the night. Surf very high at sunset. Another night a [[end page]]