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[[margin]] Pasadina [[/margin]]
Another invalid. Mrs. Birch. a sweet faced woman of gentle words & smiles - white. Nurse of the invalid. nicer. with face growing womanly and strong which the novel reader (from the convent) reads smart set & doubtful books and smiles with undeveloped girlish look that goes to your heart and makes you want to mother her. Landlady apologies for not doing more work herself - has to keep dressed up for inspection of house - good business principle.  Little old maid waitress looks you in the eye when taking your order & in every way shows personal interest in having you pleased.  Chinese cook can't be asked to help carry down baggage - express man told no man in house - Chinese cook - not a man.

[[margin]] [[underlined]] Venice [[/underlined]] [[/margin]]
[[margin]] [[underlined]] Birds [[/underlined]] [[/margin]]
Even some of the little sandpipers go stumping off on one foot as cheerful little cripples! It made me thankful when one man - in kaki went down & aimed at [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] godwit - instead of banging into a flock & wounding a dozen - hit it, & instantly with a dexterous swing or two by his bill killed it in humane sportsman-like fashion. But to shoot at flocks of sandpipers too little for one [[underlined]] mouthful [[/underlined]] of game. or to shoot gulls, murder tame cormorants -
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[[underlined]] Venice [[/underlined]]
[[margin]] [[underlined]] Water birds [[/underlined]] [[/margin]]

this country needs policing. Meanwhile the automobiles hurry down to the gun club! Great flocks of ducks went stringing over from the ocean - there must have been hundreds ^ [[insertion]] & hundreds [[/insertion]] of them - & still the popping went on.  Poor things - tired from their nightly journey & seeing quiet waters inland - to fly to their doom.  If they are shot [[underlined]] dead [[/underlined]] - well & good if needs must be till humanity gets farther along - but to have them wounded!
[[underlined]] Oct. 20 [[/underlined]] As I was thinking that there were only godwits, gulls & sandpipers on the shore this mg - no surf birds I came to the end of the board walk & beyond where the high tide washes up mud & this soft sand is comfortable & the birds can rest disguised - you can't see them at all a short distance off they tour into the ^ [[insertion]] clearly [[/insertion]] humocky surface so well - right before was a big bunch of resting birds - godwits mainly standing on the outside of the circle & nearly 32 surf birds sitting down or standing beyond & in the midst a close bunch of little sandpipers.  It was very pretty. When they broke up the sandpipers went off by themselves on the sand. & Sometimes as you look down the beach the big & little birds look like old & young. Once I saw a surf bird fly with a flock of little sandpipers when it the big bird seemed to direct their flight - it turned back as they were
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