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[[underlined]] Catalina [[/underlined]]
places.  It was like getting a glimpse of another world to look down into the ocean - the big weed - grown rocks, the green water, and the beautiful dark brown kelp growing in forests - more sitting for mermaids. [[superscript]] + [[/superscript]] 
Abalone shells turned suggestively shiny blue side up appeared at intervals, and a diver ^ [[insertion]] in a bathing suit [[/insertion]] being rowed around dove for these for the people.  at 2 bits each.
He was an attractive young fellow but after diving a number of times his eyes got bloodshot & he shivered with cold between times.  He would look thru the glass of the boat to place the shell & then taking a long breath dive under the boat for it.  As we looked down through the green water his body which was dark brown looked ghastly white.  When he had the shell we could see him give a little kick with his foot and start up. Then he climbed by hard muscle into the boat.  One of the men in our boat asked "What kind of animals lives in them shells?" A larger - steam - boat was better for seeing the marine gardens but we had made the mistake of getting our tickets on the boat for the smaller ones.  We were brought back to the harbor by a little launch
[[superscript]] + [[/superscript]] 1 starfish & a few holothuriaux were seen
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[[underlined]] Catalina [[/underlined]]
and found on piles in front of the wharf a large flock of gulls - occidentalis & heermanni sitting.  Two loons were there too, diving and swimming right under the noses of all the people.  A sea lion with big mustaches was sitting on his tail, his head out of water, apparently looking to be fed.  When the photographer got ready to take him he turned a somersault [[image - arrow curving downwards]] and disappeared (see [[underlined]] Larus occidentalis [[/underlined]])
In the Aquarium were star fish , sea anemones, and octopus - horrible creature - & H told of his fight with one in Bermuda - how he tried to get it and it got angry & chased him on the reefs, swimming so much faster than he could that he had to fight it not to have it throw it's arms around him - fight it with barrel staves beating it off.  He said it was funny how a thing of that kind would take hold of your imagination - that he sweat blood before he conquered it. He said their strength is tremendous & they put out [[strikethrough]] au [[/strikethrough]] arms and grasp you and hold on with suction discs & then draw the object up and cut it across the back of the neck with thin knives.
On the way home the sunset and a 4 masted schooner with sails out sailed across (tacked) 
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