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[[underlined]] San Francisco [[/underlined]]
[[margin]] Car [[underlined]] Riot [[/underlined]] [[/margin]]
We got home safely, but at midnight H was wakened by a tumult in the streets & the next mg. the labor paper acknowledged that there had been a car riot & a motor man stabbed in the back so that he would probably die.
[[margin]] [[underlined]] Election [[/underlined]] [[/margin]]
The election passed off quietly, home [[?]] and the next night we stood on Van Ness with a very orderly crowd reading returns of the Call, that had promised to put out green lights if McCarthy (the anarchist) was elected - returns that read along with line
Taylor 14 or Landslide for Taylor in the Labor District.
Ryan 1
McCarthey 1 
That night as we were returning from dinner in the street car, at the corner of Fillmore we saw a black crowd.  I looked up just in time to catch a look of terror on the face of the conductor, & Hart jumped to his feet. A mob? - a riot? But it found only a street fakirs crowd or something of the sort.  So instead of being stoned in the car we got out quietly & walked home.  But - it was as near the French Revolution condition of affairs as I cared to come.
[[margin]] [[underlined]] Academy [[/underlined]] [[/margin]]
In spare time I went up to the temporary Academy where Mr Loomis kindly let me look on the 
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[[underlined]] San Francisco [[/underlined]]
[[margin]] [[underlined]] Academy [[/underlined]] [[/margin]]
skins. He & his assistant also took me to the old Academy to see the Galapagos collection. We climbed around ruins & rubbish & up across a plank into the shell of the Academy.  Then up a hole in the 2 [[superscript]] d [[/superscript]] story floor [[strikethrough]] there [[/strikethrough]] by a temporary wooden staircase.  The ship with 11 collectors ^ [[insertion]] & outfit [[/insertion]] had gone to the Galapagos when the fire occurred, so the outfit was saved, & now the collections are back ^ [[insertion]] ready [[/insertion]] for the new Academy. The enormous turtles, the great wingless [[blank space - intended for descriptions of "wingless"]]  , and the strange little big - billed [[blank space - intended for description of "big- billed"]] were in large series. It was exceedingly interesting to see the Academy ruin and the types & records saved by the heroism of Miss Eastwood & the rest.  Mr. L. pointed up at the ruins of the galleries & told where each exhibit had been, & showed where the biggest fires had came from the library - eating deep - said the library made "beautiful ashes!" And now they are almost ready to move to the new temporary Academy in the Golden State park.
From S.F. Vernon was called to Nevada to investigate a Microtus plague & while he went there I went up to Red Bluff to visit Helen.
[[margin]] Red [[underlined]] Bluff [[/underlined]] [[/margin]]
We crossed the ferry in time for H to put me on the 8.30 train, so I had a daylight - trip up the
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