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[[underlined]] Sacramento Valley [[/underlined]]

beautiful bay with its boat, past the Suison marshes with their gun clubs, coots, & ducks,
In one place I saw a few Cal. poppies - Escaliolaia [[misspelled, actually Eschscholzia]] in bloom. There were hordes of blackbirds in the S. valley - great flocks. Alfalfa fields, & oaks with horses resting under them, vineyards & orchards with ^[[insertion]] late [[/insertion]] autumnal touches gave variety.  The Marysville buttes stood out well as we passed. rising from the level plain. Magpies (yellow-billed) were flying about west of Marysville between there & Arbuckle. Gray moss (short & fine) hung from the oaks in places.
Anthus was seen from the train in passing a big plowed field. A 10 horse cultivator was at work & other implements of the same scale. At Orland a group of Canada geese were seen in a yard.
At one town an enormous stack of baled hay was canvassed over.  Touches of red & yellow gave warmth to the landscape, & meadowlark songs gave freshness. The 
^[[insertion]] white [[/insertion]] Lasseu Buttes came in sight - before Mitchell & Shasta was seen white bulk - before reaching Red Bluff. The oak groves at the head of the valley became
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[[underlined]] Red Bluff [[/underlined]]
Elm like rich groves. At Red Bluff we drove up along the Sacramento - a beautiful wide river that flows swiftly down between autumnal banks - almost an eastern sight - with ^[[insertion]] a [[/insertion]] row boat here & there under the bank & colored grape vines draping trees here & there.  The views of the snow-capped Lasseu Buttes gives touch & dignity to the landscape, & in places Shasta looms up in nobility.
[[margin]] High [[underlined]] School [[/underlined]] [[/margin]]
The inside of the western High School from the point of view of the principal was very interesting.  There is no manual training in H.S. or grades, & F is trying to educate the sentiment of the Trustees & business men to introduce it into the H.S. & so force it in the grades - also to introduce a 2 yrs. agricultural course in the H.S. The repellent scholasticism of the schoolman is lost sight of in the Principal who helps you load manure while he is convincing you of the importance of manl. training, & talks poultry to the ranchman while urging the value of an agricultural course.  In a community where the livery owner proposes the Principal for the Board of Leader & one of the best mothers allows her H.S. daughters to go to public dances which are free to all characters
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