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[[underline]] Chapter II. [[/underline]]  30.

few instances it bore impressions like those already mentioned. In character it appeared to resemble the ware of the Chinese Neolithic "painted potter". The practice of decorating earthenware vessels with patterns in color seems to have died out in ancient China proper Shang times; but potter similar in kind though without the ornamental designs would [[strikethrough]] seem [[/strikethrough]] ^[[appear]] to have been made until very much later.

[[underline]] Human Remains. [[/underline]]
   In the course of our investigations I noticed a workman quarrying something out of the northern face of the northernmost pit, down near the bottom. I therefore had myself lowered to the spot, and found that he was extracting from its matrix of well compacted earth a human skull, of which only the basal portion was yet visible. The workman's pick had already partly exposed the mandible ([[underline]] cf. [[/underline]] fig. 7), and I completed its extraction with the aid of my pocket-knife. I was told that the entire skeleton had originally been present, but that the rest of it had already been removed. It was said to have been reinterred elsewhere, out of deference to popular superstition; but to it nevertheless appear to have belonged the human bones which we picked up on the dumps. [[superscript footnote indication]] (15)
      On this point see Dr. C. Li, [[underline]] loc. cit., [[/underline]] pp. 25 [[underline]] et. seq. [[/underline]]
   The mandible, apparently that of a man in early maturity, was large and massive. The molars were of the type found among the existing northern Chinese, but the incisors lacked the "shovel-shape" regarded as characteristic of that race. [[superscript footnote indication]] (16) The position of the skull as I saw it
      For this information I am indebted to Dr. B.G. Anderson, then of the Dental Department of the Peking Union Medical College, and to Dr. C. Li.
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