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[[underlined]] Chapter V. [[/underlined]]             84.

over 25 miles.  Old Chinese maps suggest however that the actual circuit was somewhere around 15 or 16 miles---roughly the same as that of what used to be called "Tartar City" at Peking.

[[underlined]] The Ancient City Moat. [[/underlined]]
Part of the material composing these ramparts was pretty surely taken from what was now a dry moat or ditch which we saw just outside them (marked EE on the plan, [[strikethrough]] pl.XLV). [[/strikethrough]] ^[[fig 14).]] According to the not very satisfactory maps available, this did not extend entirely around the city but only along its southern and part of its eastern sides.  We found it, at the point where we measured it, 160 feet wide, with a present average depth of nearly 10 feet.  If it had ever served as a wet moat, the water to fill it must have come from a stream, shown on old maps but now no longer in existence, which seems to have flowed into it from higher ground some distance to the southwest.  There could hardly have been any other source, in fact; for as we have seen, the water-table hereabout is something like 15 feet deeper than the present bottom of the moat, while the Wei River, a few miles to the northward, lies at a still lower level.

[[underlined]] Profile of the Rampart. [[/underlined]]
Immediately west of the corner mound just mentioned, there was in the south wall of the ancient city a wide opening (marked B on the plan) through which ascended the cart-road which we had followed in coming out from Hsi-an.  This gap provided us with an excellent cross-section of the rampart or [[underlined]] agger [[/underlined]], and afforded a convenient opportunity for studying it and measuring its profile (fig. [[strikethrough]] 12).[[/strikethrough]] ^[[15).]]
It proved to have been constructed throughout of layers of [[underlined]] terre pisée [[/underlined]] identical with those already described, and was quite without any-