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[[underlined]] Chapter VI. [[/underlined]]

horizon were ranges of rugged, barren hills, the highest a sharp summit resembling a volcanic cone (fig. [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[22)]].  In this, our guides informed us, was the tomb of the great T'ang emporer---the most powerful potentate of his day with the possible exception of the Caliph of the newly founded sect of the Muhammadans.  We reached Li-ch'üan before mid-afternoon.  Here too, as at Hsien Yang, we were interested to see that the gate by which we entered was flanked by twin towers instead of being surmounted by a single one.
As we rode into the town, we found an open-air theatrical performance going on before a large audience composed mainly of the neighboring country-people; for it was a market-day.  We were thus enabled to note that the clothing worn hereabout, by adults and children alike but more especially by the latter, displayed bright colors and particularly red to an extent far greater than that of the region about Peking.  Local peculiarities of this and many other kinds are common in all parts of China.  Often they are pretty surely (in some cases certainly) survivals from remote times when regional distinctions in culture were far more sharply marked than they are today.  Carefully studied and analyzed by competent ethnologists, they should throw no little additional light on the country's past. (88)
(88) Fortunately this task has now been undertaken by my friend Dr. Wolfram Eberhard, formerly of Leipzig, who has already in this way attained results of great interest.  For a reference to an important paper by him, embodying some of his tentative conclusions, see page 211, footnote 192.
The same evening we met the district magistrate, and were pleased to find him not only most friendly but also well-informed in regard to the local antiquities.  We explained our mission, and he at once volunteered to accompany us in person to the tomb of T'ang T'ai-tsung.
The following morning, accordingly, together with our new friend