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[[underline]] Chapter X. [[/underline]] 203.

treading on them.  They proved to be of various types and periods, almost none of them late.  Many of the specimens that we found near the lighthouse Mr. Ch'iu subsequently said were of the Western Han^[[|]]Dynasty.
  Save for a very few obviously recent or modern examples, on or just beneath the surface, not a fragment was of true porcelain or even of glazed ware; nor did we find any that bore evidence of having been painted Certain specimens had undoubtedly been made on the wheel; others, by means either of "coiling" or of "beating" (on the latter process see page 172 and note 165).  The majority were rather thick, coarse in texture, dark gray with a blackish fracture, and poorly fired.  Far less common were pieces of a considerably thinner ware, light buff to pinkish-red in hue, and often rather softer in consistency.  Many of the shards bore mat, textile, or perhaps string impressions on either their outer or their inner surfaces, now and then on both; in the latter case the nature of the impressions on the two sides usually differed.  We found no vessels that were complete, or even nearly so.
  On the whole, the character of potsherds here was very similar to, if not actually identical with, that which I had already noted in so many other regions of northern China.  During much of the early historical period, indeed, before the use of glaze on pottery became common there, some 2000 years ago or so, a certain homogeneity of ceramic types appears to have existed throughout large part of the area.

[[underline]] Survey of the Site at Lighthouse Point. [[/underline]]
  When we had completed our inspection of the site at Lighthouse Point, Mr. Tegengren very kindly offered to map it for us.  Accordingly, on August 16th I telegraphed Mr. Wenley, who remained in Peking, and asked him to join us.  Further, as Mr. Tegengren had not brought his surveying instruments to Peitaiho, I availed myself of the air service at