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[[underline]] Chapter XII. [[/underline]] 24^[[4]].

has hitherto been assumed.  The question can only be settled by further excavation
quite possibly we might be overlooking something of importance, as for instance shell-mounds or "kitchen-middens" left by the prehistoric inhabitants.  Examples of such remains have long been known in Japan, and have been found in Korea by Japanese archaeologists; but while I had heard rumors of their occurrence along the Chinese coast, I had never actually seen them.  their discovery there, I thought, would be of no little interest, for the additional light that they would be almost certain to shed on the migrations of peoples and cultures in ancient times throughout the maritime portions of the Far East; since many of these movements seem to have originated in what we now know as China.
  With the above idea in mind, therefore, I had kept in tough by main with Mr. Tegengren^[[,]] [[strikethrough]] (see pages 196, 201, 202), [[/strikethrough]] who had remained at Peitaiho during the winter of 1924/5.  He now wrote to me that through the cold months he had been conducting investigations unimpeded by the presence of growing crops, and had thus found remains which he thought might interest us.  He suggested that we come to see them before the kao-liang was up and while the surface of the ground was still comparatively bare.
  Accordingly Mr. Wenley and Mr. Tung and I went to Peitaiho on April 28th, most of the way by train but the last few miles on donkey-back.  Next morning we accompanied Mr. Tegengren to the vicinity of Eagle Rock (see page 205), to inspect some piles of refuse that he had found and which he thought might prove to date back to the (local) Neolithic period. [[superscript]] (22^[[5]]) [[/superscript]] We did some exploratory digging; but the results were
[[superscript]] (22^[[5]]) [[/superscript]] On the duration of the Neolithic period in various parts of the Far East [[underline]] cf. [[/underline]] page 203.