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[[underline]] Chapter XII. [[/underline]] 256.

ance.  There they too had gradually been buried by the accumulating soil. 
  Our excavations at Lighthouse Point, while of minor importance, were thus not wholly devoid of interest; for they had cast additional light both on the nature of the ancient system of earthworks occurring there and on the tenacity (as well as substantial accuracy) of the local folk-memory concerning a somewhat distant past. [[superscript]] (229) [[/superscript]]
[[superscript]] (220) [[/superscript]] 
On this latter point [[underline]] cf. [[/underline]] also pages 206 [[underline]] sq. [[/underline]]

[[underline]] Visit to the Eastern End 
of the Great Wall.[[/underline]]
  Before our return to Peking, late in the summer Mr. Wenley and I paid a visit to the eastern or seaward end of the Great Wall, at Shan Hai Kuan. [[strikethrough]] (see page 208).[[/strikethrough]] This place lies at the extremity of a range of mountains, a few miles northeast of Peitaiho, up the coast of the Gulf of Chihli.
  The region, as we knew, was a most important one, in both the historical and the archaeological senses.  The narrow strip of level land here between the mountains and the sea has formed through all ages a sort of natural highway between China proper, to the southwest, and Manchuria, to the northeast.  In late Neolithic times the Painted Pottery culture extended for some distance into southern Manchuria.  During the early historical period the region hereabout was held, according to the old records, by a non-Chinese tribe, or perhaps congeries of tribes, known as the Shan Jung [[2 Chinese characters]], or Hill Jung (also called the Pei Jung [[2 Chinese characters]], Northern Jung); these raided the Chinese border states until well on in the Eastern Chou epoch (770-256 B.C.), and gave endless trouble. [[superscript]] (230) [[/superscript]]

Transcription Notes:
Chinese characters needed