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[[underline]] Chapter XV. [[/underline]]    330. 

and that in their bearing (even toward members of the opposite sex) they were far freer, more frank, and less self-conscious than were their sisters farther to the north (on this see also note 149, on page 147). 

[[underline]] Return to Shanghai. [[/underline]]
     Late in the afternoon we returned to the [[underline]] Yung Shin [[/underline]] and started back for Shanghai, where we arrived before daybreak the next morning, May 25th. 
     I found awaiting me Mr. Tung, just down from Peking; so after telling him how I had found things in Ningpo, I asked him to go there also and look matters over for himself. Accordingly he left the same afternoon. My object in sending him thither was in part to see whether he could learn of anything in the way of ancient remains that I had missed; for he had developed an almost uncannily acute "nose" for archaeological material. Mainly, however, I wished him to look carefully into the general situation; since he was, I knew from repeated experience, absolutely devoid of fear, especially where bandits were concerned; [[superscript]] (293) [[/superscript]] and if there was any way 
[[superscript]] (293) [[/superscript]]  I used to accuse Mr. Tung, jestingly, of being a member of a certain powerful Chinese secret society known to be well represented among the bandits, and of thus being able to mingle freely with the latter at any time; but this he always stoutly denied. 
way of our getting to Shao-hsing, I knew that he could be depended upon to find it. 

[[underline]] We proceed up the Yangtze. [[/underline]]
     On the second day thereafter Mr. Tung was back in Shanghai, his luck in Ningpo no better than my own there had been. He advised strongly against our trying to reach Shao-hsing at present, and thought that even if we succeeded in getting through, with conditions as they were just now we should be unable to do any effective work there. 
     My own opinion thus confirmed I reluctantly laid aside for the time being my plan of making an archaeological survey of the regions around