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[[underlined]] Chapter XVIII. [[/underlined]] 377.

on Nov 11th Mr. Tung transferred himself and his little party thither (p1. 48, fig. 2), and devoted the following 9 days to exploratory diggin[[g?]] The results which he thus attained, in the shape of potsherds, stone and bone artifacts, and---most interesting of all---remains of the subterranean pit-dwellings of the prehistoric inhabitants, were most encouraging. Hence after his return to Peking with the advent of really cold weather, we decided that the site would almost certainly richly repay further and more intensive investigation during the following spring.

[[underlined]] Legal Complications. [[/underlined]] 
  We now found, however, that for our purpose our understanding with the Shansi Provincial Museum did not fully comply with the requirements of the existing Chinese laws. For these were, that any foreign scientific body wishing to do work in China could do so only with and through some institution directly controlled by the new National Government; while the Shansi Museum, though wielding vast influence locally and quite able to prevent our working in the province altogether if it felt so disposed, held only provincial, not national, rank.

We therefore, while still continuing and even amplifying our agreement with the Shansi Museum, also succeeded eventually in making another, this time with the Scientific Research Department of the Peking Normal University, which possessed the requisite legal status. Under this somewhat unwieldy tripartite arrangement, as soon as the frost showed signs of leaving the ground at the beginning of spring, Mr. Tung and his field-party set out once more for southwestern Shansi.  They reached the Wa Cha Hsieh site on March 29th.

[[underline]] Further Work at Wa Cha Hsieh. [[/underline]]
The embers of the late civil war were still smoulder-

Transcription Notes:
The g in the word digging has been cut off so I've transcribed as [[g?]]