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[[underline]] Text-Figures. [[/underlined]] ii. Fig. 22 (page 109).....The Chiu Tsung Shan (mountain), burial-place of T'ang T'ai-tsung (from a photograph). " 23 (page 111)......Plan of approaches to tomb of T'ang T'ai-tsung. " 24 (page 118)...........Tumulus of Han Wu Ti (from a photograph). " 25 (page 118)........... Plan of tomb of Han Wu Ti. " 26 (page 126)........Second horse, tomb of Ho Ch'ü-ping (after Lartigue). " 27 (page 130)........Mounted [[strikethrough]] huntsman [[/strikethrough]] ^[[archer]], late 1st millennium B. C. (from a tile). " 28 (page 133).......Rubbing of figure [[strikethrough]] of figure [[/strikethrough]] of horned monster at tomb of Ho Ch'ü-ping (kindness of Dr. J. C. Ferguson). " 29 (page 134).......Couchant bovine figure, from Assyrian seal (after Ward). " 30 (page 139).......Tumulus of Ch'in Shih Huang Ti (from a photograph). " 31 (page 139)........Plan and elevation of tomb of Ch'in Shih Huang Ti. " 32 (page 140)........Hypothetical reconstruction of tomb of Ch'in Shih Huang Ti. " 33 (page 145).........Sketch-map of the Hsin Yang region. " 34 (page 154).......Plane-table survey of the Wang Fên Wa area. " 35 (page 156)......Reconstruction of stone doorway, Wang Fên Wa. " 36 (page 157).......Plan of Wang Fên Wa tomb. " 37 (page 158).........Diagrammatic sketch of Han brick. " 38 (page 161).......Construction of brick drain, Wang Fên Wa. " 39 (page 167)......Plane-table survey of the Lei Ku T'ai area. " 40 (page 170)......Diagrammatic sketch of [[underlined]] li [[/underlined]] tripod. " 41 (page 172).......Drawing of Chinese tournette. " 42 (page 176).......Drawing of Oriental axehead, of iron. " 43 (page 177).......Stone celts found in the Lei Ku T'ai (from photographs). " 44 (page 177).........Slate arrowheads found in the Lei Ku T'ai (from photographs).