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[[page has light blue lines dividing the page into rows and four columns]]
[[first row has title for the page]]
[[underline]] Characters for Appendix A. [[/underline]]
[[second row contains column headings for the four columns]]
Page    Line     Words         Characters
1      note 2    liang             糧  (7016)
"         "      hsiung            糈 (4708)
2   4 fr. foot   Tien              填  (11.185))
3         4      Shu               蜀 
"     mid. page  Ch'iang (2 chars.)羌(羗)
"         "      Jung              戎
4          1     Huang T           黄帝 
"      note 10   Ti Hsin           帝辛 
"         "      Mu shih           牧誓 
5         6      Pa                巴 
"         7      Ch'ung-ch'ing     重慶 
"         8      Chia-ling Chiang  嘉陵江 
6         5      Wu                吾 
"        11      Hsi Hsia          西夏
"      note 14   Pu                濮
"      note 15   Hsi Yi            西夷 
7         4      Ch'u              楚 
"        14      Ti Kuei           帝癸 
"        18      Wu Ting           武丁 
"     last line  Ch'uan            權  - 3190
8      note 18   Yin wu            殷武 
"      note 22   Yin               殷