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the co-operation of Mr. Huntington with the School. I feel sure that his work with us in the field would insure results which could not be obtained by any of the European archaeologists now engaged in Asia.
[[new paragraph, indent]]I may add that I should consider research in Central Asia or on the Chinese trade routes impossible, or at least only half begun, without the aid of the new science which Mr. Huntington represents. 
[[new paragraph, indent]]I cannot speak for the disposal of Mr. Huntington's time, but I can assure the committee of his interest in us and of his desire to continue explorations in Asia where he has already covered so much ground. I further believe that he would consider it to his advantage to work with our archaeologists in that field, and would cheerfully contribute to our reports and help us to arrive at our conclusions. His subsidiary contributions to geographical and geological publications would reflect credit on our institution if he were included as a member of its staff.