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09.428 Macmillaria 1 9443 [[underlined]] Mexico. [[/underlined]] Oaxaca, Cerro San Felipo C. Conzatti

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09.429 Phytelephas macrocarpa "Ivory Palm Nut" 9444 [[underlined]] Panama. [[/underlined]] Col. D.D. Gaillard

09.430 Guilielma speciosa v. Mart. "Thornless Piva Palm"

09.431 Guilielma utilis Oerst. "Thorny Piva Palm" 

09.432 Elaeis melanococca Gaertu. "Corozo Palm" 

09.433 Astrocaryum "Black Palm, Thorny (Espinosa)"

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09.434 Opuntia [[underlined]] Ded. [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] dest. [[/underlined]] 1 destr. 7 9440 [[underlined]] Utah. [[/underlined]] Salt Lake City A.G. Garrett Nov. '09

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09.435 Opuntia cyclodes 1 9454 [[underlined]] N. Mexico [[/underlined]] Hillboro E.A. Goldman #1827 Nov. 09

09.436 Echinocereus coccineus 1 #1828

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[[strikethrough]] 09.437 [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Epophyllum truncatum [[/strikethrough]] Zygocactus truneatus 1 [[check mark]] L.H.B. A. Bergen Sent to Green-house by Col. Edward A. Mosely. Nov. 1909