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we chatted for about an hour.  Perez Arbelaez called up that he would come around.  We had a few drinks of my terrible wine, then dinner here.  Walked downtown, stopping at El Tiempo for a story of my visit. (See date of 4/20). Then at La Cabaña.

[[underlined]] Tues. April 18. [[/underlined]]
Instituto all day. Perez Arbelaez came about 7, giving me a few specimens and lending his copy of the Mutis paintings index.  Then a drink at the Grenada and a very big dinner on [[him ?]] at the French restaurant, Normandie. 15 [[strikethrough]] [[plaes?]] [[/strikethrough]] plates of hors d'oeuvres followed by 15 more of mainly meats.  Soup & camenbert followed.  Was too completely stuffed to feel like doing anything more so went home [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] and to bed. 
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[[underlined]] Wed. April 19 [[/underlined]]
   Started on Jicama plants with Dugand in am.  Lunched at his house, went to bank and to police for my cedula.  Then to Museum.  Walking back from bus (which gives free transportation to & from Univ. City) was stopped by my old friend Giullermo Varela, now [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] with the Rockefeller Foundation.  He had seen me while in a streetcar and dismounted.  We visited a while at my hotel. Rained ± all day, with much thunder - something unusual so they say.  Early to bed.