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[[underlined]] Monday, May 1. [[/underlined]]
  Labor Day & a holiday but Dugand was to be at Inst. in am. so I took yesterday's collection out by taxi & worked them up. In pm. watched beginning of Labor Day parade. Placards. Then a terrific storm broke, with hail.  Got under cover and watched the crowds take it. Another storm at night.

[[underlined]] Tues. May 2 [[/underlined]]
  Worked on [[Triana?]] Comps & got things ready for our trip tomorrow.  Met a Frenchman at the Inst. & his nephew, who had just returned from being with De Gaule's army in Africa & Italy. On way back to city another terrific rainstorm, which lasted most of night. In am. called at Embassy and had nice visit with Daniels.

[[underlined]] Wed. May 3. [[/underlined]]
  Left [[strikethrough]] Bar [[/strikethrough]] Bogota at 10 am for Apulo, arriving at 2:15.  Dr. & Mrs.
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Dugand, their sons Alberto & Roberto, Jaramillo, & I making up the part. Our Hotel Apulo a beautiful big, open place, with fine meals.  Lazed around in the afternoon getting acclimated to the hot weather.  Early to bed. Rained at night.

[[underlined]] Thurs. May 4 [[/underlined]]
  Up at 5:30 but didn't get thru breakfast till about 6:30.  Then D, J, & I, with a boy named Ignacio as [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] guide we went across the Apulo River and climbed ^ [[insertion]] ± east [[/insertion]] up from 455 m (Apulo) to about 600 m.  Roadside thickets but good collecting.  Got ± 80 numbers. Took pictures.  Back about 11 and after lunch spent some hours putting the stuff in press.  Most interesting things were Capparis of macrophylla. Early to bed.  Rained toward morning.

Transcription Notes:
If there is an ^ written in the text I write ^ [[insertion]] text [[/insertion]]. If there isn't I write [[insertion]] text [[/insertion]].