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at Kjell's putting yesterdays plants "in press". There were 70. Got some over his gasoline heater but don't know how soon they will dry as his "boards" are narrow, like European sheets. After lunch Carlos took me to call on the Rector of the University. Took a picture of Puracá; very clear this pm. The Rector, Dr. Lemos, asked me to contribute a paper to their Revista: Registered with the police. Called on Doña Natalia [[Iragarre?]], spending nearly an hour. Talked about the [[Pernells?]]. We sat in Don Jorge's office, which she had left untouched since his death four years ago.
  After dinner Sr. Angel Chaux called about Padre Gomez' plant paintings. They aren't much. [[strikethrough]] Early to bed [[/strikethrough]] Band was serenading Velasco Ibarra, who is a candidate for President of Ecuador. Saw him in front of Hotel Lindburgh.
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[[underline]] Friday, May 26 [[/underline]]
  Another red-letter day! Carlos called about 7 and we drove to the [[Paianeo?]] de Puracé. Stopped several times for water for the car, so I collected some on way up. Carlos was after birds for Wetmore so we had other stops.  Also there was a [[dericumbo?]], which a peon was clearing away. A beautiful day & the Western Cordillera stood out very clearly. Got good pictures of the [[underline]] narrow [[/underline]] Cauca Valley & of Puracé (from east side). Roberto, Carlos' [[bird?]] brother, was along, also the ayudante. Latter was bitten by a dog at Purace village, but it didn't seem to bother him. Spent much time [[strikethrough]] [[in?]] [[/strikethrough]] the open paramo, with sphagnum marsh. Espelitia hartwegiana, Puya were conspicuous. At ± 3400 m. got a [[Mutiara ?]] that may be new; also on a [[underline]] steep [[/underline]] wet