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bank [[underline]] Isoetes [[/underline]]. Went down eastern side a ways and photoed the chorrera of the Rio
Back near the top Carlos spoke of a curious plant he had seen [[strikethrough]] near [[/strikethrough]] on the bank of the Rio Cocuy where he had gone to [[strikethrough]] colle [[/strikethrough]] gather in a bird. We spotted it with his field glasses & the boy went down for it. Proved to be an immense [[underline]] Lupinis alopecuroides [[/underline]]! Gradually worked backwards and didn't reach Purace Village, where we had ordered lunch to be ready by 4, until 5:30.  Had a big "lunch". Evening views swell - sunset over Munchinque grand. Got back to Hotel at 7:30. Cleaned up & went out for a few beers. Quite early to bed tho.
Nos. 38500-611; 112 numbers
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[[underline]] Sat. May 27 [[/underline]]
  At exactly 7 am I reached Von Sneiden's and put in a very strenuous 4 1/2 hours, [[strikethrough]] pro [[/strikethrough]] writing up yesterdays plants and packing. Carlos and [[space left blank]] called & we went to see Pepe Iragorri, all of us going to the Club Popular for a drink. Carlos & [[space left blank]] lunched with me.
  Left Popayán at 3:15 pm. The two big bundles of plants weighed 34 Kg. (3.40). Raining over Purace tho the Volcano can be dimly seen.  (Later) Par. de Guanacos quite clear.  [[Paiano de Delicias ?]] not visible [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] as their train is in cuts leading down to Rio [[Picudaurio]]  Many hairpin curves later as train descents from Jelima to Suarez where it crosses Rio Cauca.
   Ar. Cali at 7, Cuatr. being at station. Von Sneiden called.