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Molano.  Quite a gang at our table, also at dinner table.  Was tired and rather bored with the conversation, of which I got little. Early to bed as it was raining too hard to wander around. I have a very noisy room - people talking across the street until late and engines getting up steam-

[[strikethrough]] Thurs. June 1 Up early and wrote up this diary [[/strikethrough]]
[[underline]] Sun. June 4 [[/underline]] (10:10 pm)
  I give up trying to bring this diary up to date. Get no time whatever during the day and at night I'm too sleepy, because of a strenuous day or/and lots of beer in the evening to write anything
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"Oven" for drying plants at Escuela, Cali.
[[image of four cubicles with Presses]]
[[torn off page with numbers and calculations -- see details next page]]
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