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[[underline]] Sat. June 3 [[/underline]].
  We were due to take a Govt launch at 7 am but didn't get away till about 8:30.  Went to northern point at entrance to Bay, Playa Basán & got a few plants. there. Then to a place called Colorad[[strikethrough]] o [[/strikethrough]]a, on the north shore, tierra firma with dense forest. A lot of interesting things, including a plant of [[underline]] Tuberostylis axillaris [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Muellera [[/underline]], [[strikethrough]] [[Fochareda?]] trail [[/strikethrough]] both close to the landing place. Followed a trail inland to a clearing where there was a fallen building. I climbed up into the forest and got a few things.
   Back about 3:30 and put stuff in press, not eating dinner till 9.
  Nos. 38682-691 = 10 nos, Basan
       692-727 =   36  "   Colorada
[[arrow indicating following text should appear before the previous paragraph]]
 Made a final stop at a dry - land place ^ [[insertion]] in [[/insertion]] Estero de Cangrejo, on no. shore. Here got 38728-740
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[[underline]] Mon. June 5 [[/underline]]
  Part of the morning spent putting in press [[strikethrough]] Sunadd [[/strikethrough]] Sunday's things from Sabaletas. Wrote Joyce & Al on balcony in front of my room, watching boys playing soccer on the muddy beach.  In pm. we went to El Forge, just this side of the first highway bridge, i.e., at the eastern side of the town. Recognized this as the place I got the type of [[underline]] Tuberostylis axillaris [[/underline]].  Collected in the marshy ground near the soccer field, and took a tiny canoe a few minutes into the mangles, it being high tide. 
[[strikethrough]] Had a party with Bylander & [[pospe?]] and the pilot  of the Barranquilla plane, and others. Then to Baylanders apt. for a [[/strikethrough]]
  No. 38817 - 840 = 24 nos.