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[[underline]] Sat. June 24 [[/underline]]
Bought a collection of stamps for C.V.M. and myself. People began to come to say goodbye. First Mrs. Bryander, who later sent over some stamps. Then Duque and Marc Antonio; pictures taken with them & Cuatr. in parque opposite Edificio. Then came two others from the school.  Finally Ibarra. 
  The whole family & M.A. & another took me in a taxi to airport. Left. [[underline]] Cali [[/underline]] at [[underline]] 12:10 [[/underline]] pm, a 21 - passenger plane but only 10 people. The notes written in my memo book regarding flight read:
[[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]]  Clear sunny weather; many curves in Rio Cauca.
  12:50 ar. Cartego, Hector [[Gonig?]] & a friend [[arrow indicating insertion from bottom of page]] Henry Duperly C., [[/insertion]] at port to greet me. He gave me photos of our 1939 trip to Rio Digua. A few moments ride beyond Cartego the R. Cauca
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comes out of the hills into the valley, the latter continuing northward but occupied by some smaller streams. We followed the Cauca, which at first is in a rather narrow gorge. Medellín is in a broad valley.
  Ar. Medellín at 2 pm. Bro Daniel, ^ [[insertion]] & [[/insertion]] Bro Teófilo [[strikethrough]] Bro [[/strikethrough]] : [[space left blank to be filled in]] and the following students from the Colegia, all members of the Sociedad de Caldas, were at port to welcome me. 
Carlos Restrepo A
Hernando [[strikethrough]] [[Pan?]] [[/strikethrough]] Panagor E.
Mario Llano A.
Francisco A. Piedrahita, Presbitero

They took pictures and bought me a beer. Daniel gave me a letter