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[[underlined]] [[Lab? or Old?]] [[/underlined]] notes in this book

1) Ground soy (green) boiled. then add after working - pamesan cheese and keep in open glass bottle in warm room.
[[margin]] X [[/margin]] 
2) Ground soy. roasted. boiled with salted yeast.
[[margin]] Program for Soy Bean Research [[/margin]] [margin]] X [[/margin]] 
3) Ground soy roasted digested in autoclave with salt yeast. at 3 Atm. (135Âșc) for 30 minute 
{X Ditto. plain bean 
{X  "  ground green bean
[[margin]] x neg. [[/margin]] 
4)Boil roasted powder with water then pass though strainer and add some cheese ferment and keep warm and moist.
5) Try to obtain Soy milk by grinding up very fine and keep in suspension with mucilaginous matter for instance. agar agar or similar products
6) make fritters with soy roasted meal
7) Prepare soy bread with agar agar and baking powder
8) Ditto with flour + baking powder
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