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May 23/1907
I [[strikethrough]] finally [[/strikethrough]] ground in sausage grinder sample of roasted soy bean (soaked first in salted water) incompletely [[decorticated?]] by hand. I was unable
to obtain desired fineness and a better grinding contrivance ought to be used. I ground some further in a porcelain mortar and
obtained some more homogeneity  All these ground materials have been stored in small bottles for future observation.
I notice that they have a palatable taste.
That boiled with water they give a sort of brown soup quite palatable which filtered lets pass a light brown liquid of good taste 
and which an addition of water
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shows slight turpidity (phaseolin?)  Such a soup might be improved upon by the addition of proper flavour.
I cooled down some of it and added a small amount of rasped Edam Cheese with the idea of starting cheese fermentation by keeping moist and moderately warm in my room.
Same experiment was made with plain boiled paste (green meal + NuCl  + H20) to which after boiling for several days I let cool and added some rasped Edam Cheese.  This green paste had acquired the characteristic sour odor which shows so easily in all green soy preparations
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