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[[preprinted]] 24 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] 4S [[/margin]]
Digestion of Roasted Soy with yeast
Salt soaked roasted Soy shredded    25 gr.
Fleischman Yeast - - -              13 gr.
Salt - - - - -                       1 gr. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] gr [[/strikethrough]]
H2O - - - - - -                    200 cc
5 hours at 120◦C  Does not smell burnt but somewhat sour.  A clear [[?]] liquid which I evaporated.  Has even a worse taste of burnt products than 6S
Much insoluable residue and some small drops of oil.  It looks as if yeast sets some oil free.
[[margin]] 5S [[/margin]] Boiling roasted soy with yeast + salt
Roasted Soy shredded . . . .           25
Fleischman Yeast                       13
H2O - - - -                            150
Salt - - - -                           1 gr
Kept on waterbath for 4 days
After one day some small oil drops begin to seperate on surface.  Nothing satisfactory excepting that oil separates more and more probably on account of digestion of cell [[?]].
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[[preprinted]] 25 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] 6 S. [[/margin]]
Repeated 1 S but adding directly some salt and keeping in digester at 120◦C. from 3PM till 8 P.M.  No burnt smell. Clear brown [[?]] liquid somewhat thick  I submitted this to evaporation in waterbath.  Leaves a clear brown extract tasting somewhat like meat extract but with too much of a burnt taste
The beans had kept perfectly their shape but were very soft as usual.  If anything is to be done with this it would be necessary to [[saturate?]] everything and make a sort of paste out of it by adding some gelatinous binding material which would keep everything in suspension.