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[[preprinted]] 28 [[/preprinted]]

[[margin]] June 2. (Sunday) [[/margin]] [[/underlined]] Soy beans. [[/underlined]]  I find that residue of extraction (C Cl4) has still a peppery after taste and as I have been heating this residue during several days at 100◦C it looks as if it will be difficult to get rid of it.  Perhaps steam may drive it off.
I ground the dry white powder in a mortar so as to give it uniform fineness.
Some of it was put to digest with dilute NaOH. about 0.2%.  afterwards I filter through paper
[[margin]] it filters clear) [[/margin]] and precipitate with dilute acetic acid.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 29 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] June 4/ [[/margin]] Protelysis of soy bean powder fat free.
[[margin]] 7 S []/margin]]
10 [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] grams      Powder
100 c.c.      water
1/2 cc.       conc. HCl
0.3 gr.       pepsin (from Mandel.
g.s..         Toluol

[[margin]] 8 S [[/margin]]
10 [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] grams      Powder
100 c.c.      H2O
0.5 gr.       papain
g.s. Toluol