Viewing page 21 of 104

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[[preprinted]] 36 [[/preprinted]]
seen fit not to pay his seven Dollars a week wages to the hospital and probably spent everything like usually on bunting and feathers.  
In the afternoon Lewis came back from hospital and was well enough to walk around.  He still looks pale but otherwise has good appearance.  I told him to take life easy for awhile and not to make any efforts as long as his wound is not entirely healed.  In the evening I had a conversation with his father on the subject of his wife.
Visit of Cohoe relative to Canadian License.  We reached a provisional agreement
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 37 [[/preprinted]]
[[very pale and mostly illegible entry written vertically in red in the margin]] 
that they should pay me a royalty of 6 cents a pound or seven cents a pound on every lb. of Bakelite manufactured by them.  Restriction in exportation.  The latter to occur only by my consent.  [[Compulsory?]] use of word [[underlined]] Bakelite [[/underlined]] by them and their customers.  Minimum monthly:
[[curly bracketed]]
1st year  500 $
2d  year 2000 $ 
3d  year 3000 $  
4th year 4000 $
[[/curly bracketed]] Payable in advance.
Their option not to include wood impregnation nor wood veneering.
Told him to talk conditions over with Dr. van der Linde  Option not transferable except by my consent