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explained Bakelite process.  Inspector of Royal Insurance Co here take notes as to nature of risk involved in the two new buildings.  [[strikethrough]] (all [[/strikethrough]]
A very very busy but [[strikethrough]] a [[/strickthrough]] very interesting day.  
Yesterday I received the official document signed by Philander Knox appointing me one of the delegates of the U.S. Government at the London International Congress of Chemistry.
[[margin]] April 16 [[/margin]] Beautiful weather.  Spent morning replanting and rearranging Rhodondendrons & Hemlock trees so as to distribute them to better advantage.  also rearranged rockery on left
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side of entrance and planted seeds around with Jim.  Joe replanted old vine, which was formerly on right entrance of barn door, near new wall of barn.  Planted privet around oval pit.  Carpenters busy finishing second side of asbestos roofing.  This was a very enjoyable day and most beautiful spring weather.  Garden looks much improved.
[[margin]] April 17 [[/margin]] Dictated letters then went to New York.  Delivered 100 shares Linseed Oil Co to Selysberg & Co  Both partners were gone (12:45) but one of clerks gave me receipt  Lunch Mouquin's.  Thereafter celebrating our intended trip to Europe.  Bowman, Toch