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bouncing much higher and longer.  While Ivory balls only bounce 4 1/2 seconds Bakelite bounces 9 seconds.  But H. says Bakelite is specially superior on account of excellent touch of queue which is far superior to Ivory and specially to
[[image on left of very tall cylinder on square block]] celluloid balls.  He intends to sell Bakelite at a higher price.  He succeeded in coloring by first coloring bristles with aniline then grinding them mixing with Solid A  Says liquid A takes
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color away entirely.  Solid A not so much.  Bakelite balls are not so dense as Ivory which he considers an advantage altho most people think otherwise.  Says that experts always select lightest [[strikethough]]ball[[/strikethrough]] ivory balls.  Says Ivory checks and diffuses in dry climates like Colorado.  He get about 12 dollars for set of pool balls (18?)  In [[strikethrough]] Col [[/strikethrough]] Colorado His celluloid balls uses to give bangs like gun when striking each other.  Tried to overcome it with fine glass which made it worse and gave louder reports.  One saloon keeper in a mining camp wrote him he did not mind the noise but his customers
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