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everytime got ^nervous and^ excited and filled their revolvers whenever they heard that bang. He now finds that ground bristles are the very best thing in conjunction with Bakelite Solid A.  Grinding of bristles was difficulty until he stuck the machine with which wallpaper mfrs grind mica and this does the work.
I left Newark in drenching rain  took supper at Mouquin then went home 10:45.  Cold slushy pouring rain.  When I arrived at Snug Rock, roofs and fields covered with several [[underlined]] inches snow! [[/underlined]]  Wintry look of landscape and during night noise of
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sliding snow from roof.  This was a much belated blizzard.
April 30.  More rain all day.  No possibility of getting teams nor stonecutters all on account of [[underlined]] great building movement going on in Yonkers. [[/underlined]] This keep me delayed very much with cement floor.  Made one run of Solid A which turned out very well.  Then kept hustling all day trying to make one run of dissolved A but got stuck it all turned to B on account of kettle being coated with thick layer from previous operations.  Went to New York in evening to meeting of Exec. Com. of N.Y. Section of Am. Chem. Soc.  then immediately after to meeting
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