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[[preprinted]] 100 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] Kroonland [[/margin]]
Society.  Evening - gathering of most of us and ladies around [[underlined]] Wiley [[/underlined]] telling stories.  Taylor told story of [[Dunmer?]] meeting a professor of Boston who was very exclusive and who finally was asked:  What's your line?  - [[underlined]] Brains! [[/underlined]] - Well [[underlined]] you carry a mighty small sample. Takamine's [[/underlined]] story of digestive grass that digested [[strikethrough]] beef [[/strikethrough]] deer which the [[?]] ate then a botanist who had made a bet that he could eat all rice cakes [[insertion]] and found [[/insertion]]  digestive [[ferment?]] ^ [[insertion]] of the digestive gas [[/insertion]] only digested [[underlined]] animal [[/underlined]] matter but no carbohydrates. Name of plant unknown today because botanist who discovered it is digested now.
[[margin]] May 17 [[/margin]]  Was a cold night last night. 
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[[preprinted]] 101 [[/preprinted]] 
[[margin]] Kroonland [[/margin]]
Sea not so smooth. Some motion  Several people seasick.  [[underlined]] Sperry showed model Gyroscope to prevent motion of ship.  [[/underlined]] Spends his [[strikethrough]] time [[/strikethrough]] spare time calculating and studying his model.  Accomplished nothing to day except walking and talking.
In the evening wrote some of my Index to Bakelite notes.  Evening pleasantly spent little reunion smoking room. Elliot talking consolidated gas and we regassing him.
[[margin]] May 18 [[/margin]] Same bracing weather as yesterday  I am making up list of officers for next Congress.  I propose Wiley as President and A. B. Little of Boston as Secretary and Baskerville or Sadller as Treasurer