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[[strikethrough]] Remained [[/strikethrough]] Dance this evening Remained in smoking room until midnight.  Elliot was full of fun told his stories of his [[strikethrough]] travels [[/strikethrough]] walking tours thru England as a student.  Very enjoyable evening.
[[margin]] May 23 [[/margin]]  
[[written vertically in red in margin]] Kroonland [[/margin]]
Another beautiful day.  I am sorry it's nearly all over.  I won again the pool.  This makes it the third time.  Elliot goes for me!  In afternoon [[underlined]] Clayton [[/underlined]] of Hardman & Holden - Manchester wanted [[underlined]] to talk business. [[/underlined]]  Told me they are [[underlined]] large producers of cresol and advised me to try to make connections for [[/underlined]] Bakelite with them as his people are likely to ^[[insertion]] be willing to [[/insertion]] interest themselves in any european project I
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[[written vertically in red in margin]] Kroonland [[/margin]]
might have. I explained him my plans for Europe and promised to call at Manchester.  Evening at dinner, menus cards passed and all signatures put on them.  [[underlined]] Wiley [[/underlined]] made [[strikethrough]] small [[/strikethrough]] short speech.  General cheerfulness.  Champagne brought out at our side of table.  Grandiose speeches of Baskerville.  [[underlined]] Elliot celebrates nine days of abstinence! [[/underlined]] A cheerful crowd.  At about 4 P.M see light house.  At night different flashes denote lighthouse on coast of England and France.  Went to bed at midnight.
[[margin]] May 24 [[/margin]] Got up early and started packing, beautiful calm day.  I have collected $76.00 for the Stewards to which I added a further $2.00 so as to make up partially for