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[[preprinted]] 118 [[/preprinted]]
I am positive that if he was not the future heir of England [[insertion]] throne [[/insertion]] nobody would notice him.
and we laid down for some much desired rest.
[[underlined]] Wiley [[/underlined]] spoke very well. and made the only speech that did not contain platitudes and had some individuality.
His enemies afterwards tried to misconstrue the meaning of his speech.
Professor [[underlined]] Witt [[/underlined]] ^ [[insertion]] of Berlin [[/insertion]] made a very artificial flowery speech ending with a platitude of [[servility?]] which even disgusted the Germans.
After all was over when going out I met ^ [[insertion]] Sir William [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] Ramsay [[/underlined]] who was just entering his carriage and kindly stopped to shake hands and inquire about Bakelite and by some questions he asked me convinced that he was unusually interested in the subject and had read my papers.
Celine & Elliot & myself drove back
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 119 [[/preprinted]]

[[margin annotation 1]] Aug 7 [[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Aug. [[/strikethrough]] 7 [[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] (2 [[/strikethrough]] 1909 [[image - three red lines]] [[/margin annotation 1]]

[[vertical margin annotation]] X  As I could not find space in the book for [[strikethrough]] [[rehannu?]] [[/strikethrough]] rewriting my notes in this book I wrote same in small book call Journal IIII supplement [[/vertical margin annotation]]

to hotel in a motorcar.
Rainy nasty weather.
(Here my notes stop. - See notes taken from pocket memorandum page [[underlined]] 128 [[/underlined]]) until Aug 7) x [[margin annotation 2]]

Got up at 7. after some sleep steamer is going thru Scheldt. 
Very hot stuffy weather. Little or no wind. Several passengers from Antwerp to Dover. " [[Sinporien?]] going on an excursion to England.
Man accosts me. Is Mr. [[Braun?]] of Vienna  who met me with Kühneman. 4 years ago on " [[insertion]] SS [[/insertion]] Forst Bismarck." This is his second trip and again meets me as a passenger.
Not many passengers about 100 saloon many second class. Passengers appear very uninteresting. Took [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] [[easy?]] loafing day of it so as
[[right hard vertical marginal notation in red]] SS Vaderland [[/right hand marginal notation]]