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[[preprinted]] 122 [[/preprinted]]
[[written in red vertically in left margin]] SS [[Vaderland?]] Chinese [[/vertical marginal entry]]
wrote in my notes until Supper.  Went to bed at 10.. Rather warmer & damp weather.
[[margin]] Aug 10. [[/margin]] Beautiful smooth seas.  Up early.  Wrote all morning index.  Ditto afternoon.  Very dull uninteresting company on this ship. Gives me a chance to work.  To bed at 10.
[[margin]] Aug 11. [[/margin]] Rained during night.  More sultry but calm weather.  Up at 6.  Worked all [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] morning at my notes.  Some fog.  Rainy foggy weather all day.  Worked on Index this afternoon until I got tired.  [[underlined]] Wang [[/underlined]] the chinese student came in my room.  We talked philosophy & sociology and I was surprised at the broadness of his views.  I see no difference between Wang and Chen and the best wholesome cheerful american boys of same age.  And all this shows once more how we
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[[preprinted]] 123 [[/preprinted]]
[[black and red lines down side of left margin]]
[[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] adopt mistaken conceptions about other nationalities.  They are entirely conversant with american and english literature. have been twice to Europe. speak english fluently speak also german and only two years ago they came here in Chinese dress with Pigtails.  [[Headcut?]] now and they are dressed [[strikethrough]] like a [[/strikethrough]] neatly and without exageration like any american student.
[[underlined]] Aug 12 [[/underlined]]
Went to bed early and got up early.  Sticky rainy weather.  Started work on index and when steward called me for bath I was thru with everything. [[underlined]] Hurrah! [[/underlined]]
After breakfast wrote addition to my notes.  Nice breeze and for  first time [[insertion]] this trip [[/insertion]] see white capped waves.  Became stronger.  Fog & rain & sultry weather