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compared to 1st class.  One of the russian jews who goes back to [[Armenia?]], yells to Hislaire that the steerage gets bad food and bad lodging and pays for all the good things of 1st class.  I think the man is right, and that's the way it goes in our civilization.  The two young chinamen are married and have each four children at home!  No race suicide there!  After lunch felt better and took a refreshing nap.  Nantucket light ship -- some fishing schooners.  Wrote a few more letters then went to bed.
[[margin]] Aug 16. [[/margin]]  Got up at 5:45 AM.  packed my trunks. Gray morning, then rain. more rain. much rain when at 9 A.M. arrived at Pier.  [[underlined]] Celine [[/underlined]] not there.  Very very rainy weather!  Got thru customs formalities [[waited?]] longer than at 10:15 AM.  Drove in [[strikethrough]] drenching [[/strikethrough]] drenching rain
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to Belmont Hotel.  Found there [[underlined]] Celine [[/underlined]] had gone to dock.  Shortly afterwards she came back.  This is the rainiest day on record since 37 years.  Nice room.  Kept inside all day talking matters over.  [[underlined]] Celine [[/underlined]] looked prettier and younger than ever.  Took lunch at hotel also supper then went to bed.  
[[margin]] Aug 17 1909 [[/margin]]
Rain rain rain and storm.  Next day same rain.  Went to Takamine & Hitch in regard to Japanese trade mark.  Rain! rain! rain!  Mr. Hitch is an elderly blind gentleman.  Went to bank then with Celine drove in Motor Cab to Martin's then back to Hotel then train for Yonkers.  Rain. rain rain.  [[underlined]] George [[underlined]] has become elegant lean brown boy. [[underlined]] Nina [[/underlined]] too has grown.  Laboratory & Barn look very pretty  My rhodondendrons grow well.  Place looks very pretty.  Home again!  There's no place like home.  Thurlow shows me some results of late work in molding.
[[margin]] Aug 18. [[/margin]]  More rain.  Spent day examining things dictated some letters. unpacking etc
[[margin]] Aug 19. [[/margin]] Sunny warm weather Dictated letters all morning.  Felt somewhat ruffled at [[underlined]] Oppenheimer's [[/underlined]] letter concerning right of way.  Spent some time in lab getting result of work of [[underlined]] Gotthelf [[/underlined]] who is just as awkward and bashful as ever.  Evening Armstrong came here paid him $250.00.  Boats on Hudson with their search lights again!
[[margin]] Aug 20  [[/margin]] Rather heavy weather.  Dictated letters all morning.  Laboratory work is going on too slow to suit me.  Made up my mind to buy some additional machinery.  Rain afternoon & evening  Thurlow same stubborn man I want to push ahead and everywhere see delays.
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