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all over. Conference with [[underlined]] Meffert [[/underlined]] all afternoon until 7 P.M relative to german patents. Went walking until 10 . P.M. Meffert talked about [[underlined]] Schweitzer [[/underlined]] matter and assures me he has come to his senses and will make amends. Good nights rest.
[[margin]] June 10 [[/margin]]
At 10 3/4 A.M at [[underlined]] Meffert's [[/underlined]] office then [[insertion]] until [[/insertion]] 2 P.M Patent Office. Splendid weather
[[underlined]] Dr. Hegl [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] Hegel [[/insertion]] is my examiner Everything so ponderous and pedantic. [[underlined]] Hegel [[/underlined]] has just been appointed [[Geheuserath?]] and appears at 10 3/4 in full evening dress. Has just been to pay calls to his
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superiors who have appointed him. All this is ridiculous and contemptuous. My fellow Dr. [[underlined]] Schottländer [[/underlined]], his assistant is just as obsequious and servile as possible. Bowing and saluting all the time. We got along all right and they seemed to be very much impressed by my samples.  
Had copies of my article on Bakelite and had studied the matter. There was one patent which they said interfered with mine but would not tell name. I said Story, they said no, then I queried [[underlined]] Knoll [[/underlined]] and altho' they said they were not allowed to tell, I had good reason to guess that it was Knoll's and
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