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[[preprinted]] 164 [[/preprinted]]
request gave him a little Bakelite. Asbestos spool sample as souvenir.  Evening Polski.
[[margin]] June 14 [[/margin]] (Monday) [[underlined]] Sperry [[/underlined]] and Toch & Mrs. Toch arrived at hotel early morning awakened me telephone.  At noon other visit von [[underlined]] Vielinghoff [[/underlined]] and lunch together [[insertion]] at Adlon [[/insertion]].  Altho' his conversation is not very animated shows good general education and keen observating mind.  Showed him my samples.  Seems much interested.  Afterwards visit of representative of [[underlined]] Rütgers [[/underlined]] Co. &  [[Chemisch Fabrik?]] Lindendof (Weyl & Co) Dr. [[underlined]] Clemin [[/underlined]] & Dr. Köhler both seem intensely interested
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[[preprinted]] 165 [[/preprinted]]
and Dr. Clemin says that they must wire to Segall who is at bath Wildungen
[[strikethrough]] Spent evening [[/strikethrough]] Took supper with Toch & Mrs. Toch at Tücher bräu but felt very tired and went to bed early
[[margin]] June 12 [[/margin]] (Saturday) [[underlined]] interposed [[/underlined]].  Dr. [[underlined]] Vorster [[/underlined]] of Buchau Chemisch Fabrik & Dr. Pfülf of [[Aminendorf?]] electrochemisch [[margin]] 1/2X [[/margin]] Werte came to see me in regard [[underlined]] Townsend Cell [[/underlined]] ^ [[insertion]] Chge 1/2 day D.F. Co [[/insertion]] Then [[underlined]] Natan [[Salowerzykewiz?]] [[/underlined]]. Had read about Bakelite in a polish paper.  kept me until 5 P.M.  Then afterwards by 6 P.M had first chance to take my lunch!  Spickaal & [[pesyes?]] Hühn! at Tücher bräu - Busy day
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