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[[margin]]June 23[[margin]]Got up at 6 AM to arrange Samples for visit to [[underlined]] Siemens & Halske [[/underlined]]. At 8:30 AM visit of Dr. Hamburger patent attorney for [[underlined]] Allgemeine Elektricitäts Gesellschaft [[/underlined]] Showed him samples in a hurry seemed most interested altho' did not say much. I did not like his look. Asked me directly to see my patent situation. Telephoned in his presence to [[underlined]] Meffert & Sell [[/underlined]] allowing him to see patent documents. Wants me to make further appointment with his people. I intend to wait a little before doing so. Motored to [[Nonnendam?]].Koebel.Werke of [[underlined]] S^iemens^ & H^alske^ with Sperry.[[/underlined]] had to let Sperry alone there who went visiting the plant. Was received by conference of board of directors, engineers, Doctors, profesors etc etc at least
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[[vertical marginal entry in red]] Siemens & Halske [[/marginal entry]]
a dozen people all assembled for the occasion.  was led in a special room and was asked to explain my invention  Eager attention. Questions and questions leaped up me.  Threw samples against floor, heated them, they rebounced as high as the ceiling.  Boiled brush handle in glass beaker by means of a torch.  Seemed much impressed and pleased.  [[underlined]] Professor Budde [[/underlined]] who seemed the oldest asked about my commercial intentions, told him my plan.  Seemed to find my conditions acceptable.  Only objection he made was in regard to patent situation, thinks it will take many more months to have patents straightened out and option is too short.  Was invited with [[underlined]] Sperry [[/underlined]] to take lunch with Fessel and [[underlined]] Dr. von Eiden [[/underlined]].  Jokes about [[underlined]] Sperry's [[/underlined]] abstinence.  Dr. Jaeger came in too
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