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vapors passing thru more Wolf bottles put up in cascades etc. lots of glass tubing & rubber connections but everything seems to require but little attention. one man supervising.  I understand daily production is one ton.  Tells me he supplies Schering with CH2O but says it should be kept quiet.  Says is studying an improved process but is not yet entirely ready.  Saw their power plant for gas made from [[ligniteval?]].  Have contact sulphuric plant for their acetic acid everything seems to run well.  [[underlined]] [[Hevresdof?]] [[/underlined]] Pyrite opens!  Seems afraid of large stock company, seems also afraid of Hecht.  I am afraid he is a [[kicker?]] and if so now what
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will he be afterwards?  Brought me back to hotel.  Sauer & Saloman were waiting for me.  Went to Siechenbräu then to Wingerstuben met Prof Junghaln and his wife.  I do not like his looks.  Came home late.  At about midnight matter became rather lively.  Orchestra conducted by any of the guests.
June 27 Sunday.  At 2 P.M met [[underlined]] Sperry [[/underlined]] at Hechts where we took dinner.  During afternoon came [[underlined]] Prof. Budde [[/underlined]] of S & H.  Sperry explains Gyroscope to him. Budde seems like all of those german professors. rather fussing and [[strikethough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] domineering. of great importance yet seems to wear a five Dollar suit of ill fitting clothes.  Hecht says S & H are willing to join Bakelite Syndicate on our terms except as to time for option which depends on allowance of patents  Drove home with Sperry. In the Adlon met Moore of Adlon with two of his lady friends of Washington.  I have a cold, makes me hoarse and nervous.
June 28  Went to Sauer's select some apparatus then quick lunch, then Hecht where I met Oscar [[underlined]] Blank [[/underlined]] and his brother.  Same undecidedness and objections etc.  Hecht
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