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handled them in rather dictatorial way.  told them they could stay out if they did not like it and we would go on just the same, leaving it to the future to decide whether we want them or not  Hecht proposes me his plan:  4% to be paid on capital invested; 10% on board of Directors with minimum of 3000 Mks each.  I to receive 35% of net profits of which 5% go to Hecht and 30% to me. he to be of board of Directors, Capital to be 1 1/2 million marks and to be brought to 3 million Marks.  I to get 5000000 Mk cash in advance on account of my share of profits.  In the evening left with [[underlined]] Sperry [[/underlined]] for Krupp's Walter [[Field?]] a manufacturer of Baryla salts came to see me with letter of introduction from V. [[Knoire?]].  Gave him letter of introduction for Dr. Arthur Elliot.
June 29.  Motor car of [[underlined]] Allgemeine Eletrikat Gesellschaft [[/underlined]] came to get me at 11 AM.  Before met Dr. & Mrs. Comey of Dupont Powder Co. Wilmington Del.  [[underlined]] [[Durshey?]] [[/underlined]] says he is defending german patent law against undesirable (for him) changes told me that they (Bayer) arranged for new patent treaty between Germany and U.S and had paid expenses for commissioner to come to Germany.  This is probably what [[underlined]] Schweitzer [[/underlined]] referred to some time ago in Chemistry Club in presence of Cliff Richardson. - Long drive to Kabelwerks of AEG. met Director Weber, slim youngish looking man, about forty Left me waiting about 20 minutes Also young chemist Dr. Weiss who seemed to think that [[underlined]] Bakelite [[/underlined]] was nothing new and the same thing as Bayers shellac-substitute.  Showed him his mistake and advised him to study the matter nearer.  Showed all my samples and explained everything Told him about my plans.  Were very
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interested but do not show the same intense eagerness as Siemens & Halske.  I shall not lose much time with them.  Was motored back to hotel over very bad pave.  At 2:15 [[underlined]] Blank [[/underlined]] came to talk over patent situation, gave him complete record of literature.  loaned him copies of my english patents. Says he wrote to his father. Am under impression he will not join.  He is too timid and probably limited on capital.  Finally got my lunch at 4:30 PM!  [[Taukenstr.?]] Evening went to theater = Sprudelfee.  Stupid play. n.g
[[underlined]] June 30 [[/underlined]] At breakfast talk with [[underlined]] Durshey [[/underlined]] says Buchau and Nonnendam fellows are rascals, dishonest, pirates of patents etc. infringe on the sly.  I advised Greiff and Hooker.  [[underlined]] Durshey says has trouble with Eastman and is suing him!! [[Ei?]][[musz?]] auf seinen Knien!" [[/underlined]] Says they will make acetic anhydride in Albany and may buy chlorine from us. - Advised Hooker. Afterwards I met [[underlined]] [[Bernthsca?]]
[[/underlined]] of [[Badische Anelin?]] & Soda Co asked him to see Chlorine liquefying apparatus.  He refers me to Dr. [[underlined]] Heinrich van Brunck who is their President. [[/underlined]] about 65 years ruddy full face dark eyes, white beard.  Says he studied in [[underlined]] Ghent under [[Kekulé?]] and knows [[underlined]] Swarts [[/underlined]] but has not seen him since.  Will wire to obtain permission for us to see apparatus.  He says they want to make connections in States for Nitric acid from air process.  He is President of Nonnegran Co.  Says they are negotiating with Nichols and others but want more competition  [[underlined]] Sperry [[/underlined]] back from Krupps: They seem to be interested for his Gyroscope for battle-ships.  Wrote and dictated letters for D & F. Co. until 6 P.M. (1/2 D & F)
Went with Sperry to [[?]] bräu talking over our work our hopes etc.
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