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July 1. at 11. A.M. general conference at [[underlined]] Hechts [[/underlined]] with Nöhe & Blank. First seems still well disposed but seems to think I did not specify at first interview the 1/2 million Marks cash, in which he is certainly mistaken.   [[underlined]] Blank [[/underlined]] is again timid and wants to form to companies, one producing raw materials, the other utilizing it.  [[underlined]] Hecht [[/underlined]] again handles him very adroitly, told him that altho' he would be welcome we shall go ahead as if he does not exist so as to avoid delays and gives him until Wednesday to come in.  Budde and Segal are still away so everything postponed until Wednesday.  Returning to Hotel find rather ambiguous answer of [[underlined]] Lebach [[/underlined]] on my letter in Chemiker Zeitung of which proof was sent to me directly by Vielinghoff [[underlined]] before [[/underlined]] publication.  Wrote directly [[underlined]] Knoll [[/underlined]]warning them against infringements of my english patents - Hotel rather filled again with rerpresentatives of [underlined]] Kalisyndicate who are in excited situation because they cannot agree to renew the trust  Took lunch at 4 PM!  My cold bothers me considerably. frequent coughing  Spent evening talking with [[underlined]] Sperry  [[/underlined]]and the Comeys; Supper at [[Pschoir?]] at 11 P.M
July 2 Met von Brunck in Hotel says can arrange for me and Sperry to go to [[Barduche?]] on Monday, will [[strikethrough]] write [[/strikethrough]] wire and let me know
Went to Alexander to inquire how Rassour Editor of Zeitschrift is.  Went to Sauer's office then had interview with Vielinghoff told him my progress - Concluded to ask [[underlined]] Lebach [[/underlined]] for a copy of his article as it will appear in the Zeitschrift  Took lunch at 2 P.M. then as coughing bothers me took a nap.
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Begin to feel somewhat restless and impatient and less interested in my work  Wrote letters.  [[underlined]] Sperry frequently is my tonic [[/underlined]] - our problems are very similar.  Took supper at Kaiserkeller and when walking home met Dr. Nöhe on street - seems confident our business will go on.
At Adlon met [[underlined]] Lindsay of General Electric Co [[/underlined]] Schenectady. Then wrote letter to Celine and went to bed.
July 3.  Up early went to [[underlined]] Hecht [[/underlined]] with Sperry.  Hecht says [[underlined]] A E G [[/underlined]] are not by any means so lukewarm as I seem to think. Went to Meffert but everybody seems away.  Find that they have neglected to carry out instructions relative watching Knoll's patents.  Got rather disgusted and wrote sharp letter.  In evening Alexander came to fetch me .. Sauer has a cold - Supper at Weihen-Stephan then Casino. then home about midnight.
July 4 (Sunday) Beautiful day.  American flags in Hotel  At 2P.M [[underlined]] Hecht [[/underlined]] drove [[underlined]] Sperry [[/underlined]] and myself to his house for dinner.  Came back at 5:30.  Dressed up. American dinner: Dr. & Mrs. [[underlined]] Comey, Sperry, Vielinghoff, [[/underlined]] Lindsay Director & Mrs. Hirshberg.  feasted 4th of July at 7:35 PM. jumped from table changed clothes caught 9:04 P.M Sleeper for Mannheim.  Bad sleep.
July 5 [[marginal entry]] [[underlined]] 2 days & expenses [[/underlined]] D & F [[/marginal entry]]
Arrived Mannheim 8 A.M. thence drove to [[underlined]] Ludwigshafer Bad.[[/underlined]] Am. & Suda F. after breakfasting at Station. Sperry rattles and talks and talks and tires me considerably.  My throat is sore and makes me prefer not talking nor being talked to.  sometimes this is entertaining some other days & to day positively tiring.  At the works were
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