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put in large bare chamber.  Then came Munch a nephew or brother of von Brunck who has not acquired the "von" Ponderous stout sausage german who begins by cross examining us, whether we will compete with Goldsmith etc etc then came [[underlined]] [[Bernthsen?]] [[/underlined]] who also shows hesitating attitude.  I made some fun of them to the point that they finally let us see their Cl [[strikethrough]] plant [[/strikethrough]] liquefying plant to which we were escorted by [[Bernthsen?]] who began to thaw out little by little.  Dr. Müller who is chemist at the head  [[marginal entry underlined]] Cells [[/marginal entry]] of this department took us around.  [[underlined]] [[Chlorines?]] [[/underlined]] made from electrolytic cells do not tell which but they all seem 250 to 300 Ampere per square meter of anode surface.  [[underlined]] Chlorine [[/underlined]] gas is under slight pressure and carried thru towers to dry where dehydrated with H2SO4.  First is cast iron lined with Lead.  Towers about 5 ft. diameter by 30 ft. high.  H2SO4 rains into them. The H2SO4 from towers is blown with hot air so as to expel Cl and H2SO4 is reconcentrated.  Gas is driven thru large glass washbottle filled with H2SO4 so as to see whether it still gives off H2O, then enters large cast iron [[?meter]] lined with lead, the liquid being H2SO4 which regulates flow of gas from cells.  Compressors take about 4 HP each and each liquefies about 3 tons in 24 hours.  Plunger of compressors, stoneware packed with asbestos, drives movable column of H2SO4, the end of liquid or compression space which comes in contact with Cl is naturally hot but is kept hotter by means of circulating steam around
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[[red line top to bottom left margin with Badische Chlorine written vertically in red]]
jacket so as to prevent Cl being dissolved in H2SO4. Gas is compressed to 3 - 4 At. then sent in brine cooling system cooled by ammonia refrigerators.  Liquid runs in big iron tanks. 50% of gas is not liquefied and is used in water for other purposes.  No smell of Cl.  Big tank cars for R.R. transportation, wooden housed.
I find that Bad.Am & Suda is capitalized 36 million Mark has 8000 workmen  figure [[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] 15% amortization and pays 20% dividend.  They started about fifty years ago!  1 3/4 mill Dollars net profits a year I should call a [[?]] modest return for all the fuss and complications and ponderosity of their business. With their hundreds of Chemists and engineers and professors etc etc. they make a very poor showing as compared to Velox and to many businesses in the U.S. about which nobody talks.  I believe they lack "directness" in their business methods, and complications and [[pedantism?]] makes them overlook that as a business result -- and they are no philanthropic concern! -- there is nothing very extraordinary in their performance.  Same their laboratory's systems for research.  Their records carefully filed away all records lost for Science and used to handicap people who take out patents.  [[underlined]] I begin to see how it is possible that a small man like myself with very rudimentary installation can beat them by individualism and directness of purpose not being hampered by their ponderous slow working organization. [[/underlined]]  Benthsen says he knows Knoll. [[?]] their ambulance and hospital quite well equipped.  In the meantime Sperry has left for Frankfurt to
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