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of his secretive methods and his fear of competition from D & F. Co.  Before a few minutes conversation he invited me to come and see their [[underline]] Chlorine liquefaction plant at Ammendorf! [[/underline]]  Motored to [[underline]] Siemens & Halske Werner- werke Nonnendam  Their buildings do not look very modern in construction although only 5 years old.  In some instances exterior is built with better taste than factory buildings in U.S. but electric wiring, plumbing and general distribution of buildings is not as well as in modern factory buildings in U.S.  Mr. Enzelhardt was on his vacation so I met Dr. Georg [[Erlivein?]], other engenieur
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[[margin: vertical line from top to bottom]]Siemens Halske factory & chlorine cells [[/margin]]
und [[bevollmüchtigte?]].  a somewhat pompous, bearded german with his young assistant engineer Willy Ebert.  Told me they had sold their rights to the Billiter Cell and their contract since July 1.  Forbade them to show it to others but he showed me photos and gave me some data.  How they can obtain such high efficiencies as they claim is a conundrum to me.  Flat anodes, flat cells (See my data).  Have round anode leaders, [[underline]] screwed [[/underline]] in flat anode plates.  They were very interested in my own data relative [[underline]]Townsend Cell[[/underline]] and [[Erlivein?]] showed eagerness to get hold of it.  Came home part walking along bad pavement, part trolley car
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