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He sails tomorrow for NY.  Mecklenberg white for supper.
[[underline]] July 16 [[/underline]]
[[red underline]] Got up this morning with my ideas unchanged relative contract. [[/red underline]]  Went to Meffert; he says at best my german patents will not be allowed before January next.  Went to Hecht; [[strikethrough]] told [[/strikethrough]] he agrees with me that contract should not be signed as it is.  While I was there Segal calls on the phone and seems anxious to talk matters over immediately.  We motored to his office and after some talking agreed on simpler contract.  I get 1/3 of stock and simplify patent stipulation.  I think I got quite a little victory here.
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[[strikethrough]] Sperry an [/strikethrough]]  Went with [[red underline]] Sperry [[/red underline]] to Kempinski's restaurant for lunch at 2:30 P.M.  Sperry looks pale and feeble but is animated like usually, and is full of talk:  I took nap then kept on dictating letters until 6P.M.  At 8P.M. went to Apollo theatre, then glass of beer then to bed.
Rainy day.
July 17.  Got up early went to [[red underline]] Vielinghoff [[/red underline]] who showed me confidentially letter of [[red underline]]Schweitzer [[/red underline]] whereby latter tries to ingratiate himself in favor of Chemiker Zeitung i.e. Vielinghoff.  excusing himself he did not take enough notice of V. in London and telling him that he
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