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reception.  Good byes etc drove to Hotel.  Vielinghoff been there left two packages, candy for the children.  Had not had any lunch nor supper so went to Casino  Listened to music till 11:45 PM.  Slept badly.  Cold in the head.
[[underline]] Aug 4. [[/underline]]  Up at 7.  Bad [[underlined]] toothache,[[/underlined]] suffered much while packing my trunks.  Took me all morning and felt very tired and exhausted  At noon was finally thru
At 1 P.M came v. Vielinghoff went for lunch with him to Restaurant Zur Stadt Berlin (Dorotheen strasse) which seems to be place patronized by connoisseurs  [[strikethrough]] Brother [[/strikethrough]] Vielinghoff with 
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his wig and dry, stiff ways makes certainly the impression of a rather [[underlined]] stiff pedantic fellow.  True representative of dry prussian [[/underlined]]  During dinner my toothache improved a little.  Drove to Tower then tried to take a nap.  Then came [[underlined]] Meffert [[/underlined]] in hotel to talk over Trade Mark Question.  Then came [[underlined]] Hecht [[/underlined]] with one of his friends to say goodbye. - [[underlined]] Toothache is getting worse.[[/underlined]]  [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] But tried to forget it and went with Meffert to Kempinski's restaurant when over a bottle of wine I managed to forget my pains.  Drove to Hotel where I was delayed still further in getting my bill because some confounded
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