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waiter who expected a hurried tip which he had never earned was looking around the hotel to hand it personally.  Contemptible system of petty extortion why don't they charge it on the bill and be done with it  At 10:35 left for sleeping car for Antwerp.  All night was reminded of my toothache and slept very little.  Next morning at Rozendaal in Holland changed train and arrived [[underlined]] Antwerp [[/underlined]] about 9. AM
August 5. 1909.  [[underlined]] Went to Hotel Weber.  What a difference [[/underlined]] in conception and management of hotels!  Big front and general
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[[underlined]] half hearted shabbiness [[/underlined]] inside and as to service [[underlined]] same shabby tendencies as in most french and belgian hotels. [[/underlined]] Toothache still bothers me.  Drove to Boonroy in his school Boonroy has become rather stout.  Same blunt direct, but active and good natured fellow  Asked him about his children and he showed me a pack of photographs.  All daughters [[^]] and one son [[/^]].  His wife too came in.  Is a gray-haired quiet elderly woman.  What a difference since 25 years when I first met them and they just were married!  On recommendation of [[underlined]] Boonroy [[/underlined]]
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