Viewing page 27 of 78

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[[ink sketch of irregular-sided coral]]
Cellepora obl. comps. obt. inégal [[poss?]] inégaux arrondis

[[ink sketch of coral with one flat side]]
Madrep. cyathoide 
Court. en bonnet phrygian nigereux cérait. legl.
stries longitudl.  Nerania oblique aff. N. [[bannos?]]

[[ink sketch of fossil coral with round craters on its surface]]
Tubip. --compact série de trun cyl. pr ég. épais striées intt. Sous diaphragm

[[ink sketch of coral with small holes on its surface]]
Tubip. sans Artic plat rayon dessous à tube cyl très proches trun qui à leur extreme

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
[[ink sketch of coral (?) with annotation]] Aphera cordosa [[/sketch and annotation]]
[[strikethrough]] Tubip. [[/strikethrough]]
^[[Gunopora]] artic. [[pl l -que large.
Argue 5 byare pressées?]] lisse

[[ink sketch of a shell]]
Gryphea triangularis
Coq. 3 angul. angle obt impl tu, Valo-ext plus grand. onguluse

[[ink sketch of coral with elongated shape with annotation]] [[Tremantris nodosus?]]
Madrep [[mieux?]]
striée extr [[san pres grand. bouche bas latér?]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[ink sketch of coral with elongated shape]]
Millepora - noir pira oblongs

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
[[ink sketch of coral with a surface divided into geometrical sections]]
Tubipora brun à dessous très courtes

[[ink sketch of a rectangular-shaped coral]]
Tubip [[loop symbol?]] Gunopora

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
[[ink sketches of 3 samples of coral with annotation]] Xylopia madaepora NG. [[/sketches and annotation]]
Madrep blanc sembl à bois pétrifié
strié épais droit comme d'une [[ciocer?]] 
de [[chivee chagnner?]] pointillée [[suill--?]]

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
[[two ink sketches of brachiopods with annotation]] Productus [[/sketches and annotation]]
[[below the first sketch is label]] depr. [[/label]]
[[above the second sketch is label]] depr. [[/label]]
[[below the second sketch is label]] [[retr--? vetrea?]] [[/label]]

[[a short ink line divides the page]]
[[two ink sketches of brachiopods with annotation]] Terebratula gryphaicles [[/sketches and annotation]]

[[blank space]]