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Mardi 13 Octobre 1818 De Lexington à 
[[strikethrough]] Acorn [[/strikethrough]]
^[[Elkhorn]] Creek (Mill dam, Church     5
Warp run    ---        ---       ---     2
Branch Acorn C - Card Mill 2 houses      1
Heroson Creek  1ͬ time (tavern)          3
  Do --  second time run right   ---     2
  Do --  third time run to left  ---     3
Paris, 200 houses   improving    ---     2
Stone Creek Bridge after town           18
       14 O.
to Hingston Cr. & Millersburg            8
Mound, 7 taverns |o'bridge bank
100 houses, Mill, Scenery
Brushy fork on right             ---     6
Stony Creek | Salt pit, Stills   ---     5
[[underlined]] Blue licks [[/underlined]
      Ellensville        [[overwritten]] 7 
6 h. 2 t - formerly County town 
                      [[strikethrough]] 24 
[[centered]] 15 Oct.
Licking river (Stone Cr Valley)          2
Blue licks  3 t. 6 h. [[Smi--?]] Spring  
      Salt & Stinking, Cedar
[[symbol in left margin resembling a backward "S" with a vertical straight line crossing its center without extending through the entire symbol]
Johnson fork. tav 2 mills | hilly        7
Mays lick (20 h                  ---     5
North fork -- hilly                      4
206 h  Washington (fine country  ---     4
[[Water by Ruin hight?]] Way left       22

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[[start page]]

[[centered]] 16 Oct
To Maysville or Limestone, (Val 1)       4
Across Ohio -- Aberdeen 40 h     ---       1/2
Top Hills   ---       ---        ---     1 1/2
Tavern ( -- hilly -- Mud         ---     4 1/2
Another     Sinks                          1/2
[[centered]] 17 Oct. Sat.
Three Miles Creek (pass 5 times) Mills   1 1/2
Tavern brickf -- at the end valley --    3
First branch  Eagle Creek         ---    2
Eagle Cr -- (3 ravens             ---    2
West Union 40 h. a bank, C. h of
    yellow stone, some brick h    ---    2
Lick fork of Bush Cr -            ---    2
    Along it for 3 m. pass it 12 time
Bush Creek, ford & ferry of New road     5
Crossing of [[NW? Nld?]] road, 
    (B Cr - 2 miles
    [[another?]] left, furnace below --  2
Jacksonville  20 h  2 years old   ---    1
                                        20 1/2
[[centered]] 18 Oct. Sunday
Middleton (20 h. 2 y. old               13
   Several branch Brush Cr. log
taverns are every where, a yellow st
Tav. 2 m fr M --
Ridge of Paint Creek              ---    6
Tavern With [["3"?]] |            ---    3